
Machine Learning with a Voting Classifier

This template uses voting for combining classifiers and it shows how to use the backtester with retraining option.

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With Quantiacs you can use machine learning methods for forecasting financial time series.

In this template we show how to use the Quantiacs toolkit for efficiently retraining your model on a rolling basis.

We will work with the BTC Futures Contracts and use voting on top of a combination of Ridge Classifiers and Stochastic Gradient Descent Classifiers as implemented in scikit-learn.

We will use a specialized version of the Quantiacs backtester for this purpose, which dramatically speeds up the backtesting process when the models should be retrained on a regular basis.

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API reference:

  • data: check how to work with data;

  • backtesting: read how to run the simulation and check the results.

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window.IPython && (IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) { return false; })
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import logging

import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

import qnt.backtester as qnbt
import qnt.ta as qnta
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def create_model():
    """This is a constructor for the ML model which can be easily modified using
       different models or another logic for the combination.
    from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier
    from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier, RidgeClassifier
    import random
    # We will use a model obtained combining by voting Ridge Classifiers and SGD Classifiers
    # which use several random seeds to reduce overfitting:
    classifiers = []
    r = random.Random(13)
    for i in range(42):
        classifiers.append(('ridge' + str(i), RidgeClassifier(random_state=r.randint(0, pow(2, 32) - 1)),))
        classifiers.append(('sgd' + str(i), SGDClassifier(random_state=r.randint(0, pow(2, 32) - 1)),))
    model = VotingClassifier(classifiers)

    return model
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def get_features(data):
    """Builds the features used for learning:
       * a trend indicator;
       * the stochastic oscillator;
       * volatility;
       * volume.
    trend = qnta.roc(qnta.lwma(data.sel(field='close'), 70), 1)

    # stochastic oscillator:
    k, d = qnta.stochastic(data.sel(field='high'), data.sel(field='low'), data.sel(field='close'), 14)

    volatility ='high'), data.sel(field='low'), data.sel(field='close'))
    volatility = volatility / data.sel(field='close')
    volatility = qnta.lwma(volatility, 14)

    volume = data.sel(field='vol')
    volume = qnta.sma(volume, 5) / qnta.sma(volume, 60)
    volume = volume.where(np.isfinite(volume), 0)

    # combine the selected four features:
    result = xr.concat(
        [trend, d, volatility, volume],
            ['trend', 'stochastic_d', 'volatility', 'volume'],
            name = 'field'
    return result.transpose('time', 'field', 'asset')
In [ ]:
def get_target_classes(data):
    """Builds target classes which will be later predicted."""

    price_current = data.sel(field='close')
    price_future = qnta.shift(price_current, -1)

    class_positive = 1
    class_negative = 0

    target_is_price_up = xr.where(price_future > price_current, class_positive, class_negative)
    return target_is_price_up
In [ ]:
def create_and_train_models(data):
    """Create and train the models working on an asset-by-asset basis."""
    asset_name_all = data.coords['asset'].values

    data = data.sel(time=slice('2013-05-01',None)) # cut the noisy data head before 2013-05-01

    features_all = get_features(data)
    target_all = get_target_classes(data)

    models = dict()

    for asset_name in asset_name_all:
        # drop missing values:
        target_cur = target_all.sel(asset=asset_name).dropna('time', 'any')
        features_cur = features_all.sel(asset=asset_name).dropna('time', 'any')

        # align features and targets:
        target_for_learn_df, feature_for_learn_df = xr.align(target_cur, features_cur, join='inner')

        if len(features_cur.time) < 10:
            # not enough points for training

        model = create_model()
  , target_for_learn_df)
            models[asset_name] = model
        except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
            raise e
            logging.exception('model training failed')

    return models
In [ ]:
def predict(models, data):
    """Performs prediction and generates output weights.
       Generation is performed for several days in order to speed 
       up the evaluation.
    asset_name_all = data.coords['asset'].values
    weights = xr.zeros_like(data.sel(field='close'))
    for asset_name in asset_name_all:
        if asset_name in models:
            model = models[asset_name]
            features_all = get_features(data)
            features_cur = features_all.sel(asset=asset_name).dropna('time','any')
            if len(features_cur.time) < 1:
                weights.loc[dict(asset=asset_name,time=features_cur.time.values)] = model.predict(features_cur.values)
            except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
                raise e
                logging.exception('model prediction failed')
    return weights

The following cell runs the backtester into Machine Learning retraining mode. We specify the maximal length of the training period and the interval for retraining. Note that it is possible tor retrain the model every day after submissions to the Quantiacs servers.

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weights = qnbt.backtest_ml(
    train_period=10*365,   # the data length for training in calendar days
    retrain_interval=365,  # how often we have to retrain models (calendar days)
    retrain_interval_after_submit=1, # how often retrain models after submission during evaluation (calendar days)
    predict_each_day=False,  # Is it necessary to call prediction for every day during backtesting?
                             # Set it to true if you suspect that get_features is looking forward.
    competition_type='cryptofutures',  # competition type
    lookback_period=365,      # how many calendar days are needed by the predict function to generate the output
    start_date='2014-01-01',  # backtest start date
    build_plots=True          # do you need the chart?