
Technical Analysis using atr, lwma

Predicting stocks using technical indicators (atr, lwma)

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This template shows you the basic steps for taking part to the NASDAQ-100 Stock Long-Short contest.

In [1]:
import xarray as xr

import qnt.ta as qnta
import as qndata
import qnt.output as qnout
import qnt.stats as qns
import xarray as xr

import qnt.ta as qnta
import qnt.backtester as qnbt
import as qndata

def strategy2(data, wma, limit):
    vol = data.sel(field="vol")
    liq = data.sel(field="is_liquid")
    close = data.sel(field="close")
    high = data.sel(field="high")
    low = data.sel(field="low")

    atr = qnta.atr(high=high, low=low, close=close, ma=14)
    ratio = atr / close
    weights = xr.where(ratio > limit, 0, 1)

    money_vol = vol * liq * close
    total_money_vol = money_vol.sum(dim='asset')
    money_vol_share = money_vol / total_money_vol

    return qnta.lwma(money_vol_share, wma) * weights

data = qndata.stocks.load_ndx_data(min_date="2005-01-01")
weights_1 = strategy2(data, wma=135, limit=0.0205)
100% (367973 of 367973) |################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
100% (40502 of 40502) |##################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
100% (14648104 of 14648104) |############| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
fetched chunk 1/7 1s
100% (14648104 of 14648104) |############| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
fetched chunk 2/7 2s
100% (14648100 of 14648100) |############| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
fetched chunk 3/7 3s
100% (14648072 of 14648072) |############| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
fetched chunk 4/7 4s
100% (14647992 of 14647992) |############| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
fetched chunk 5/7 5s
100% (14647992 of 14647992) |############| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
fetched chunk 6/7 7s
100% (3588140 of 3588140) |##############| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
fetched chunk 7/7 7s
Data loaded 7s
In [2]:
def get_enough_bid_for(weights_):
    time_traded = weights_.time[abs(weights_).fillna(0).sum('asset') > 0]
    is_strategy_traded = len(time_traded)
    if is_strategy_traded:
        return xr.where(weights_.time < time_traded.min(), data.sel(field="is_liquid"), weights_)
    return weights_

weights_new = get_enough_bid_for(weights_1)
weights_new = weights_new.sel(time=slice("2006-01-01", None))

weights = qnout.clean(output=weights_new, data=data, kind="stocks_nasdaq100")
Output cleaning...
fix uniq
ffill if the current price is None...
Check liquidity...
WARNING! Strategy trades non-liquid assets.
Fix liquidity...
Check missed dates...
Output cleaning is complete.
In [3]:
def print_statistic(data, weights_all):
    import qnt.stats as qnstats

    stats = qnstats.calc_stat(data, weights_all)
    # graph
    performance = stats.to_pandas()["equity"]
    import qnt.graph as qngraph

    qngraph.make_plot_filled(performance.index, performance, name="PnL (Equity)", type="log")

print_statistic(data, weights)
field equity relative_return volatility underwater max_drawdown sharpe_ratio mean_return bias instruments avg_turnover avg_holding_time
2024-09-04 2.565836 0.000131 0.048837 -0.009315 -0.102797 1.061331 0.051832 1.0 184.0 0.026624 22.337007
2024-09-05 2.564209 -0.000634 0.048832 -0.009943 -0.102797 1.060472 0.051785 1.0 184.0 0.026620 22.336580
2024-09-06 2.560389 -0.001490 0.048828 -0.011418 -0.102797 1.058597 0.051689 1.0 184.0 0.026616 22.334750
2024-09-09 2.563659 0.001277 0.048824 -0.010155 -0.102797 1.059939 0.051750 1.0 184.0 0.026612 22.333158
2024-09-10 2.566321 0.001039 0.048819 -0.009127 -0.102797 1.061010 0.051797 1.0 184.0 0.026608 22.347778
In [4]:
qnout.check(weights, data, "stocks_nasdaq100")
qnout.write(weights)  # to participate in the competition
Check liquidity...
Check missed dates...
Check the sharpe ratio...
Period: 2006-01-01 - 2024-09-10
Sharpe Ratio = 1.061010363557201
Check correlation.
WARNING! Can't calculate correlation.
Correlation check failed.
Write output: /root/
In [5]:
<xarray.DataArray (time: 4703, asset: 256)>
array([[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]])
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2006-01-03 2006-01-04 ... 2024-09-10
  * asset    (asset) <U10 'NAS:AAL' 'NAS:AAPL' ... 'NYS:RHT' 'NYS:TEVA'
In [6]:
<xarray.DataArray 'stocks_nasdaq100' (field: 9, time: 4955, asset: 256)>
array([[[     nan,   1.1568,      nan, ...,  12.08  ,  13.41  ,
          29.81  ],
        [     nan,   1.1393,      nan, ...,  12.49  ,  13.05  ,
          29.2   ],
        [     nan,   1.1511,      nan, ...,  12.11  ,  12.6   ,
          27.97  ],
        [ 10.78  , 223.95  , 116.37  , ...,  44.76  ,      nan,
          18.51  ],
        [ 10.85  , 220.82  , 115.11  , ...,  44.51  ,      nan,
          18.09  ],
        [ 11.21  , 218.92  , 117.01  , ...,  45.5   ,      nan,
          17.88  ]],

       [[     nan,   1.1179,      nan, ...,  11.9   ,  13.03  ,
          29.06  ],
        [     nan,   1.1245,      nan, ...,  11.97  ,  12.54  ,
          28.02  ],
        [     nan,   1.1438,      nan, ...,  11.97  ,  12.25  ,
          27.31  ],
        [  1.    ,   1.    ,   1.    , ...,   1.    ,      nan,
           1.    ],
        [  1.    ,   1.    ,   1.    , ...,   1.    ,      nan,
           1.    ],
        [  1.    ,   1.    ,   1.    , ...,   1.    ,      nan,
           1.    ]],

       [[     nan,   1.    ,      nan, ...,   0.    ,   0.    ,
           1.    ],
        [     nan,   1.    ,      nan, ...,   0.    ,   0.    ,
           1.    ],
        [     nan,   1.    ,      nan, ...,   0.    ,   0.    ,
           1.    ],
        [  0.    ,   1.    ,   1.    , ...,   0.    ,      nan,
           0.    ],
        [  0.    ,   1.    ,   1.    , ...,   0.    ,      nan,
           0.    ],
        [  0.    ,   1.    ,   1.    , ...,   0.    ,      nan,
           0.    ]]])
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2005-01-03 2005-01-04 ... 2024-09-10
  * asset    (asset) <U10 'NAS:AAL' 'NAS:AAPL' ... 'NYS:RHT' 'NYS:TEVA'
  * field    (field) object 'open' 'low' 'high' ... 'split_cumprod' 'is_liquid'