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from IPython.display import display
import xarray as xr
import as qndata
import qnt.output as qnout
import qnt.ta as qnta
import qnt.stats as qns
def get_SPX(market_data):
index_name = 'SPX'
index_data = qndata.index.load_data(assets=[index_name], min_date='2005-01-01', forward_order=True)
spx_data = index_data.sel(asset=index_name)
spx_data = xr.align(spx_data, market_data.isel(field=0), join='right')[0]
return spx_data
def get_strategy_1(data, spx, params):
def get_trix(prices, index, periods):
result = prices.copy(True)
t = qnta.trix(index, periods)
for a in prices.asset.values:
result.loc[{"asset": a}] = t
return result
trix = get_trix(data.sel(field='close'), spx, 40)
strategy_1 = trix.shift(time=params[0]) < trix.shift(time=params[1])
strategy_2 = trix.shift(time=params[2]) > trix.shift(time=params[3])
weights = strategy_1 * strategy_2 * data.sel(field="is_liquid")
return weights.fillna(0)
def get_strategy_2(data, spx, params):
def get_rsi(prices, index, periods):
result = prices.copy(True)
r = qnta.rsi(index, periods)
for a in prices.asset.values:
result.loc[{"asset": a}] = r
return result
rsi = get_rsi(data.sel(field='close'), spx, 40)
strategy_1 = rsi.shift(time=params[0]) < rsi.shift(time=params[1])
strategy_2 = rsi.shift(time=params[2]) > rsi.shift(time=params[3])
weights = strategy_1 * strategy_2 * data.sel(field="is_liquid")
return weights.fillna(0)
def get_strategy_3(data, spx, params):
def get_roc(prices, index, periods):
result = prices.copy(True)
r = qnta.roc(index, periods)
for a in prices.asset.values:
result.loc[{"asset": a}] = r
return result
roc = get_roc(data.sel(field='close'), spx, 15)
strategy_1 = roc.shift(time=params[0]) < roc.shift(time=params[1])
strategy_2 = roc.shift(time=params[2]) > roc.shift(time=params[3])
weights = strategy_1 * strategy_2 * data.sel(field="is_liquid")
return weights.fillna(0)
data = qndata.stocks.load_ndx_data(min_date="2005-01-01")
spx = get_SPX(data)
weights_1_1 = get_strategy_1(data, spx, [142, 54, 132, 63]) # 1.0330127484868614 Sharpe Ratio
weights_1_2 = get_strategy_1(data, spx, [166, 75, 46, 24]) # 0.9591131817092265 Sharpe Ratio
weights_2 = get_strategy_2(data, spx, [159, 78, 77, 167]) # 0.8568070000760702 Sharpe Ratio
weights_3 = get_strategy_3(data, spx, [10, 27, 29, 41]) # 0.835419 Sharpe Ratio
weights_all = weights_1_1 + weights_1_2 + weights_2 + weights_3
weights = qnout.clean(output=weights_all, data=data, kind="stocks_nasdaq100")
def print_statistic(data, weights_all):
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import qnt.stats as qnstats
stats = qnstats.calc_stat(data, weights_all)
equity_curve = stats.loc[:, "equity"]
fig = go.Figure(data=[
hovertext="Equity curve",
print_statistic(data, weights)
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qnout.check(weights, data, "stocks_nasdaq100")
Example of a strategy using technical analysis indicators
The example of a strategy with a sharpe ratio of 0.9615 trading 215 financial instruments
The strategy use sma, ema, adl (Advance–Decline line)
from IPython.display import display
import xarray as xr
import as qndata
import qnt.output as qnout
import qnt.ta as qnta
import qnt.stats as qns
data = qndata.stocks.load_ndx_data(min_date="2005-01-01")
def get_strategy_1(data, params):
buy = 1
not_trade = 0
close = data.sel(field="close")
strategy_1 = xr.where(qnta.sma(close, params[1]) > qnta.sma(close, params[0]), buy, not_trade)
strategy_2 = xr.where(qnta.ema(close, params[2]) > qnta.ema(close, params[3]), buy, not_trade)
weights = strategy_1 * strategy_2 * data.sel(field="is_liquid")
weights = weights / 100.0
return weights.fillna(0)
def get_strategy_2(data, params):
buy = 1
not_trade = 0
close = data.sel(field="close") * data.sel(field="is_liquid")
adl = qnta.ad_line(close) * 1.0
adl_dif = adl.shift(time=params[0]) - adl.shift(time=params[1])
positive_trend = adl_dif > 0
strategy_1 = xr.where(positive_trend, buy, not_trade)
weights = strategy_1 * data.sel(field="is_liquid")
return weights.fillna(0)
weights_1 = get_strategy_1(data, [25, 40, 12, 132]) # 0.6108887689714039 Sharpe Ratio
weights_2 = get_strategy_2(data, [34, 183]) # 0.6012686822757577
weights_all = 2 * weights_1 * weights_2 - weights_1
weights = qnout.clean(output=weights_all, data=data, kind="stocks_nasdaq100") # 0.9615
# qnout.check(weights, data, "stocks_nasdaq100")